Hearing Children of Deaf Adults


  The idea behind this website is simple: gather as much information about the hearing children of deaf adults (called CODA) as possible and deliver it to as many people who live in Czechia and other countries and nations as possible.

For this reason I published my thesis called Hearing Child of Deaf Parents but only in Czech. 

Hand in hand of this idea is to gather information about linguistic a cultural minority of  Deaf  and interpreting of Czech Sign Language.

Very important idea of this website is point to the fact, that children are still “forced” to interpret the communication of their deaf parents and hearing people all around.

Majority of the hearing and deaf people in Czech society have not recognized yet that children in very young age are become frustrated with adult communication.  Children´s role is still a acceptable form of interpreting.

I´m trying to give help to some of adult CODA too. They can recognise  why they have problems with communication with people in their adulthood. Mainly I am traying to answer why some of them are not enought self-confident. 

Some of adult hearing children of deaf parents could help to small CODAs with their childhood too. By knowledge of professionals interpreting (includes the role and behaviors of interpreting, ethics and etiquette) will be surely reduced the number of child interpreters.

In the Czechia there is a low (statute’s validity from 1998) which gives the right for Deaf to use Czech Sign Language in their lives as a natural language. This low react on the year 1994 begining of  research Czech Sign Language starting at the   

Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague


and on the field of interpreting was hand in hand established  

Czech Chamber of Sign Language Interpreters

 and other organisations including Czech CODA

I put some information here about difficulty of children´s role of interpreter : 

